In Dispatch where almost every chair is being used 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, it becomes problematic when the chair starts to fall apart, cushions go flat, they get dirty and quite often pick up a bad smell.
Many of us have been known to bring in cleaning supplies from home to keep the smell away and hopefully make them look a bit better. In my current department we have someone very handy with tools who can do minor repairs.
As our Dispatch Center is in need of new chairs (they are flat, no longer able to clean up well, but at least they are still rolling along), I decided to take it upon myself to do a little research on chairs and their costs.
HOLY SHIT! Have a better understanding why the brass doesn't like buying chairs for Dispatch and will do anything to keep them moving.
I was looking for a chair that was ergonomic, adjustable in height and tilt and arms, with really good padding. In other words, 24 hour butt chairs that could accommodate all the different sizes of the dispatchers.
Many of the suppliers call 24 hour butt chairs 24/7 Heavy Duty chairs. But the meaning is the same.
One crazy thing my now retired police officer hubby and I have been known to do is visit other LE agencies when traveling. I love spending time in dispatch and trying to pick up new tricks to make the job easier and smarter. And I always look at their chairs because almost every agency I have worked for tries to save money in the chairs and we Dispatchers pay the price.
The chair that I have seen in action and would love to get for our Dispatch Center costs over $800! There are chairs advertised as Call Center Chairs and they start at almost $400 a chair. I recognize one of them in our center.
One chair found so far admits the all steel frame has a six year written warranty. Another chair, similar to what we use right now, has a ten year warranty. Our current chairs are at least seven years old. Not quite making the ten years promised.
Okay, new respect for the budget on chairs. But as we "live" in these chairs 9-15 hours at a time, it would be great if a little more attention was spent in the quality and durability of the chairs utilized in Dispatch. I've heard how much the chairs for our Lt's cost and they don't live in their chairs the hours we do.
Are quality chairs only for the brass?
What chairs does your agency use?
Are they quality and durable?
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